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Using Library Resources & Services

Computers in the Library

James C. Kirkpatrick Library has a wide array of computers with a variety of software for student needs. There are computers available throughout the 2nd and 3rd floors. Every study room also has a dedicated computer.

Community public patron computers are available on the 1st floor by the Information Desk area. 

Student desiring to check out a laptop from the library can go to the Library Laptops page.

Library Computer and Internet Use Guidelines

The Library has an obligation to maintain a welcoming, comfortable, safe, and harassment-free environment for library patrons and university employees. Usage of library computers must support such an environment.

The James C. Kirkpatrick Library complies with all UCM policies and regulations, including the following:

In addition to university policies, the following expectations concerning computer and internet use apply:

  • In keeping with the spirit of UCM’s values, we expect library users to be guided by courtesy, sensitivity, and respect for others when accessing and viewing Internet material and using library computers in general.
  • Users may not maliciously access, alter, damage, or destroy any computer system, network, program, or data.
  • Computers may not be used for commercial purposes or in violation of state or federal laws or applicable university policies.
  • Every effort is made to keep the computer workstations and printers updated and in good working condition. The Library, however, is not responsible for equipment failures and network outages that result in lost data and uncompleted work. The Library is not responsible for any personal information transmitted by computer users over Library networks, including passwords and other personal identifiers.
  • Users should observe applicable intellectual property laws, including United States copyright laws.
  • Users must adhere to electronic resource licenses, agreements, and guidelines, including those limiting or prohibiting systematic download, duplication, transfer, sale, or commercial exploitation.
  • Computers are intended for research, scholarship, and other academic work.
  • While the James C. Kirkpatrick Library supports open access to the Internet, employees may ask a public access computer user to vacate a computer for the following reasons:
    • Priority is given to those using government resources
    • A 30-minute time limit may be imposed when others are waiting
    • Use of computers for chat room messaging, social media communications, games, and commerce is not permitted
  • Please see the James C. Kirkpatrick Library Patron Behavior Guidelines for additional information.

Approved by LSC 9-12-2023

Specialized Software - JCKL 3160 (3rd floor)

  • ArcGIS Pro
  • Blender
  • Cisco Packet Tracer
  • Google Earth Pro
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community
  • Java SE Development Kit 8
  • Notepad++
  • Projects 2019
  • PuTTY
  • Python
  • RStudio
  • Solidworks
  • TextPad
  • Visual Studio
  • WinSCP

Software Available on Library PCs

  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Adobe Reader DC
  • AutoCAD
  • IBM SPSS statistics
  • Microsoft Office (including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher & Access)
  • R for Windows
  • Web browser (including Chrome, Firefox, Edge)
  • Windows 10 operating system
  • WEPA Print driver

Honorlock and Respondus

All computers in the library and those loaned by the library are compatible with Honorlock, Respondus, or both.


Respondus is installed on all desktop PCs in the library building and loanable Windows laptops. No installation should be necessary. Respondus is not compatible with Chromebooks.


Honorlock can be installed as a Chrome browser extension or as a native Chrome app on Chromebooks.

The Honorlock browser extension cannot be found in the Chrome Web Store by searching. You must use this link to install it.


For additional information and support about either Respondus or Honorlock, check the office of Digital Learning and Instructional Innovation's support page or contact them by telephone at: 660-543-8528.

ArcGIS Software via Browser

ArcGISOnline is now accessible via internet browsers on any machine! To access the service or initiate your ArcGISOnline account, click this link: 
Then click on University of Central Missouri which will take you to our single sign on page.
If ArcGISOnline does not have the features or functionality required by your course or assignment, ArcGIS Pro is installed on all machines in the computer lab in JCKL 3160 as well as several machines (marked by signs) in carrels on the third floor.

Off-Campus Database Access with Single Sign On (SSO)

Most (but not all) library databases are available off-campus. To use library databases, patrons must either use a computer on the UCM campus or enter their UCM network username and password.

Single Sign On

To access library resources from off campus locations, you will be prompted to authenticate yourself as someone affiliated with UCM. Once you have entered your Single Sign On (SSO) credentials, the same as accessing Blackboard or email, you will land on the resource page, such as a database search page or individual article/chapter.

Contact the Technology Support Center

If all efforts to log in fail, contact the Technology Support Center at 660-543-4357 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).   Email inquiries may be sent to  Walk-in help is available in Ward Edwards 0800 from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday, and weekends by appointment (hours vary for summer sessions and breaks).  More information regarding Technical Support is available online at

Can't Get to Login Screen?

You're most likely behind a firewall that blocks the ports needed to use the proxy server. This is very common in public K-12 schools. In order to use library resources, the network administrator will need to open up ports 2048 through 2648.

How to Print

JCKL provides printing services for community and students using the WEPA print management system. Black & white copies are .09 cents per page while colored copies are .49 cents per page. This page contains basic information about printing at JCKL using WEPA. For additional assistance, feel free to inquire at the Information Desk.

To print, follow these steps to print from any computer or device.

Create Your Account

First-time users must create a WEPA account at any WEPA print station or online at For faster login, tag a magnetic card like your UCM ID using the Tag Card icon at a WEPA print station.

Upload Your Documents

Send your documents to the WEPA print cloud using any of the following methods:

USB Drive

Insert your USB drive directly into the WEPA print station and select a document.

Web Upload

Log in at Select your documents and "send to WEPA."

File >> Print

Open your document, choose File >> Print, and select the WEPA printer. You must choose black and white or color at this point. The WEPA printers have been preinstalled on all JCKL computers. To install it on your personal computer, go to


Log in to your Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox account at a WEPA print station and select your documents.


Using your UCM email account, email your documents to


Download the WEPA Print mobile app from your device's app store and follow the instructions.

Log In At Any WEPA Print Station

Enter your username and password. Or, if you have tagged a card, simply swipe your card.

Print Your Documents

Pay using CentralCash, credit/debit card or your WEPA account.  Dining Dollars cannot be used.