By booking a study room, you agree to the following:
Failure to follow these policies may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of access to the study rooms. Your cooperation and courtesy are appreciated.
All library charges (fines, replacement fees, etc.) are sent to Student Financial Services. Fees and fines may be paid at Student Financial Services or through your MyCentral account.
Approved by Library Services Council, August 4, 2016
Updated May 10, 2022
Approved by JCKL Council, Aug. 5, 2019, updated July 20, 2021, updated May 10, 2022
The Library has an obligation to maintain a welcoming, comfortable, safe, and harassment-free environment for library patrons and university employees. Usage of library computers must support such an environment.
The James C. Kirkpatrick Library complies with all UCM policies and regulations, including the following:
In addition to university policies, the following expectations concerning computer and internet use apply:
Approved by LSC 9-12-2023
Approved by Library Services Council, January 7, 2017,
updated September 22, 2017, updated October 12, 2021, updated May 10, 2022
Approved by LSC, Aug. 4, 2016
Updated July 20, 2021, December 12, 2024
When a library patron believes that a library fine and/or fee regarding the use of library materials is incorrect, they may initiate an appeal.
The library patron must fill out and submit the Library Patron Fines & Fees Appeal Form. When appropriate, copies of fine/fee payment or other appropriate documents must be included in the form to support an appeal.
The appeal will be reviewed by the Library Fines & Fees Appeals Committee. The Board will review the appeal and make a determination within 3 working days of the appeal submission. A student may request an expedited appeal if warranted. The Client Services Manager will contact the patron by UCM email. The Board reserves the right to request more information and may contact the patron as needed. The burden of proof in the appeal process lies solely with the individual raising the appeal.
Approved by LSC on Aug. 4, 2016, rev. by JCKL Council on Aug. 6, 2018
Updated May 10, 2022
Interlibrary Loan (ILL), a division of JCKL Client Services, provides materials for patrons which are not available in UCM’s collection. This is accomplished through the borrowing and lending of items in cooperation with other libraries.
I. Borrowing
II. Lending
III. Interlibrary Loan Patron Data Retention
In accordance with the Missouri Secretary of State Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Requests Agency Records Disposition Schedule Series 1158, James C. Kirkpatrick Library (JCKL) will not retain patron interlibrary loan data longer than three fiscal years.
JCKL will have the OCLC Tipasa Interlibrary Loan system set to follow this length of time for record retention. Patron record histories older than three years will be deleted from the system. De-identified Interlibrary Loan usage statistics will be retained for analytical purposes.
LSC approved Oct. 3, 2016, Reviewed and updated by LSC Sept. 12, 2023
Non-Reciprocal Library Fees - JCKL Council approved Jan. 7, 2019
Patron Data Retention - LSC approved Feb. 24, 2021
JCKL offers a Course Reserves service whereby student course content is made available by instructional faculty through JCKL without requiring students to purchase course content. A single copy of the course content, usually an electronic copy of an article, part of a book, etc. from the JCKL collections may be placed on Course Reserve for a particular course.
In adherence with the Copyright Laws as outlined in Title 17 of the United States Code and the UCM Copyright & Fair Use Policy the following materials in brief are eligible to be placed on Course Reserves.
Materials that Generally Cannot be Placed on Course Reserves
Course Reserves Options
JCKL offers course reserves in electronic or physical format. Electronic format, when available, is strongly encouraged as it enables simultaneous multi-user access to the information.
Electronic Reserves
All requests for articles or chapters of books will be processed in electronic format if held as part of JCKL collections. If the material is not available in electronic format then a physical copy of the material will be placed in Course Reserve as outlined below.
Electronic course reserves (E-Course Reserves) are accessible to students enrolled in a relevant course through the course’s Blackboard site. Course Reserves staff will provide to faculty the files or links for faculty to upload into Blackboard.
Physical Reserve Options
Placing physical format(s) of items on Course Reserves is available only when an entire text, video, etc. is needed for a course and there is no electronic equivalent.
Physical course reserves are linked to the Course Reserves feature of the library discovery system. Physical course reserves items are located on the course reserves open shelves located by the Information Desk on the first floor of JCKL. Students may check-out course reserves using their UCM ID. Instructors determine the length of time a physical item may check out: 3 hours, 1 day, 3 days or 7 days.
Course Reserves Timeframe and Item Removal
Course reserves items are offered for the current semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer) and will be automatically removed at the end of the semester. If an instructor wishes to renew the course reserves item(s) from one semester to the next, please re-submit the request(s) using the Course Reserves form.
Deadlines for Submitting Course Reserves
Course Reserves requests must be submitted 3 working days prior to when the items are needed for a course. This requirement ensures library employees properly prepare items for student access. Any issues or problems with the Course Reserve request will be communicated to the faculty member requesting the reserves. Course Reserves staff will work with instructors to resolve issues whenever possible.
Submitting a Course Reserves request
Use the Course Reserves form to submit requests. Any questions on course reserves can be emailed to Teresa Heater or call 660-543-4194.
Faculty Personal Copies for Course Reserves
The library will endeavor to use library-owned or licensed materials for Course Reserves when possible. JCKL will only accept a faculty member’s personal copy of an item placed on Course Reserves when:In most situations upon placement of a faculty personal copy on Course Reserves, the library will either purchase a copy of a title needed for a course or point to electronically available resources if already available. Once a library-owned or licensed item is available on Course Reserves, the personal copy will be returned to the lending instructional faculty. Your Liaison Librarian will assist with acquiring course reserves materials if the library does not already own or have access to the needed information. If personal copies of a physical item from an instructor are placed on Course Reserves, JCKL does not assume responsibility for any damage or loss.
Multiple Copies Policy
JCKL strongly discourages providing multiple copies of a physical item for Course Reserves. Accommodations may be made if the title is out of print and may be reevaluated on a case by case basis should the situation arise in the future.
Course Reserves Usage Statistics
At the end of the semester, JCKL will share usage information when available to the instructor. This information will help with determining optimal ways to make information available to students for their coursework.
Approved by LSC 8/2/17
JCKL delivers library materials for current faculty, staff, and teaching graduate assistants to support instruction and research needs. The service is available at UCM Warrensburg and UCM Lee's Summit campus locations.
To make delivery requests, take the following steps:
Requests made by phone or in person must provide the following information:
JCKL staff will deliver materials at designated locations on the Warrensburg campus.
PLEASE NOTE: The library does not make automatic rounds throughout campus. Delivery Services requests must include dates and locations for drop-off.
James C. Kirkpatrick Library resources, services, and facilities are provided to support the academic mission of the University of Central Missouri.
All patrons have the right to use the Library for academic purposes in an environment that is safe, comfortable, and respectful and allows quiet study and research.
Library staff and/or Public Safety personnel will act to maintain or restore the quiet academic environment and will address any activity that disturbs others, interferes with library operations, damages the building or its contents, or any other behavior generally considered inappropriate in a public place.
Patrons are encouraged to bring any concerns to the attention of Library staff. Causing a disturbance, failing to comply with a request to restore order, and/or showing disrespect for fellow patrons or Library staff may result in restriction of Library privileges, removal from the Library, and/or removal from campus.
The James C. Kirkpatrick Library complies with all UCM policies and regulations, including the following:
In addition to university policies, the following expectations concerning library use and conduct apply:
Children in the Library
Food and Drink
Noise Level and Cell Phone Use
Use of Electrical Outlets
Disruptive Behavior
Acceptable behavior maintains a safe, comfortable, and respectful environment that allows quiet study and research. Unacceptable behaviors are those that, in the assessment of the Library staff, impair the safe and effective use of the library and its shared resources. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior includes any of the following but is not limited to:
selling or soliciting in the library building without the permission of the University Librarian. Examples of soliciting include but are not limited to:
leaving ads or flyers on tables or personally handing out such materials
unauthorized posting to display boards
requesting participation in questionnaires or surveys, etc.
Approved by LSC 10-6-2014
Updated and approved by LSC 9-12-23