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Library Resources for Education

Court Cases

You can find a court case by its title or case citation. For example: "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka" is a case title. 347 U.S. 483 is the case citation for Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The citation reads as follows: volume, abbreviation of the name of the reporter containing the case, and page number on which the case begins.  You can find this case reported in volume 347 of the United States Reports, page 483. (Reporters are law books that report court decisions in chronological order by jurisdiction of the court.)  

You can also find cases in legal databases such as NexisUni. 

  • To limit your results to only U. S. education cases, see Limit to Education Cases at the bottom of this page. 
  • To find online help, click on the "Help" button on the upper right hand corner of the main NexisUni page or click here.

Finding Education Cases

  • It may be helpful to limit your results to a particular area of law--in this case, U. S. education cases. To do this, follow the steps below:
  • Open NexisUni.
  • In the upper right corner, click on Browse Source Directory. 
  • Under Browse Sources, choose Area of Law. 
  • Filter by Country (United States) and Publication Type (Cases).
  • Under Trail - Area of Law, select a Category -  Education Law.
  • Select the Source to search, such as Federal and State Education Law Cases.
  • Click the red box on the far right (OK - Continue).
  • Enter a word or phrase in the Search Terms box (such as teacher termination or student free speech).
  • To limit by date, click on Advanced Options under the red search box.  Enter dates and click Apply.  
  • Click Search in the red search box.
  • Mark items to email or download.  To email the full text of a case, click the Envelope Icon at the far right.  Enter your email address and send.