The authors of pro & con or biased articles, books, or other sources have a specific bias and are trying to persuade the reader of a specific point of view in contrast to most academic articles that typically focus on topics in an objective manner that is meant to inform the reader.
Here are some characteristics of persuasive or biased articles:
Bias is "a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion" about someone or something. When we discuss bias in media in the US, we are generally referring to conservative (also known as right) v. liberal (also known as left) bias, though there are many more ways to be biased and no one is truly free of bias.
Bias differs from fake news in that fake news is specifically untrue. Biased sources don't necessarily use lies, they just don't include the whole picture, only using the facts that support their viewpoint. By using only the facts that support their cause they are giving an incomplete and therefore inaccurate picture.
Opinion or pro & con articles, books or other resources with bias are ideal to use in argumentative papers or presentations.
They can also be used for informative research assignments, but you have to be more careful so as not to produce an unintentionally biased paper or presentation that is meant to be objective.
Most importantly, you have to be able to recognize if your source is biased and if it is appropriate for your assignment. If you are not sure, ask your instructor.
Material on this page is based on the COM Library LibGuide for Media Bias, available here: