William Anderson Papers 3
Collection Inventory
Box 7
15” x 11” x 3”
Other Works by Anderson
1. Booklet: The Story of the Ingalls with a note card, first ever published by Anderson. Written by William Anderson with permission of Rose Wilder Lane. Pictures courtesy of Laura Wilder Home, 1967
2. Thesis, final draft: Laura Ingalls Wilder: Her Life, Her Books, and Her Homes, Albion College, April 1974, autographed to CMSU in 1990
3. Thesis for M.A., bound copy: The Literary Apprenticeship of Laura Ingalls Wilder, South Dakota State University, 1982, autographed in 1982
4. Letter to “Little House” viewers. 6 Kaal Television, Austin, Minnesota. “A Journey Through the Land of Little House,” by William Anderson, 1985
5. Typed article draft “America’s Trapp Family”, published in American History Illustrated, December 1986 issue, autographed Article in Woman’s World, the Woman’s Weekly, “Little House on the Prairie”, May 16, 1989
6. Article in IJB Reports 3, Internationale Jugendbibliothek, entitled “Je Weiter, desto besser”, 2 copies, (German Publication), 1989
7. Typed article draft “Garth Williams at Eighty” published in Horn Book, 1993, autographed in 1993
8. Manuscript, with revisions, for article on Garth Williams for Horn Book Magazine
9. Typed article draft, “Fit for a President: Custer State Parks’ Game Lodge”. Special to: The American West, for: “Hidden Inns and Lost Trails"
10. Liner notes for Trapp Family CD--BMG
Box 8
15” x 11” x 3”
Laura Ingalls Wilder Related Materials
1. Booklet: Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Bibliography by Mary J. Mooney – Geloff, Wise Owl Press, Southold, N.Y., 1980
2. Booklet: Laura Ingalls Wilder 1867 – 1957: Activities with a Children’s Author by J. Carpenter & C. Carpenter Blandford, Cedar Lake, IA, 1983 (2 copies)
3. Little House paper dolls, memories of the Ingalls Family, 14 pages of original designs by Beverly Pechan, 1986, Sagebrush Gallery P.O. Box 658 Keystone, S.D. 57751
4. Booklet: Fragments of a Dream, by James Merchant, produced by Wilder Pageant Committee, 1990
5. “Fragments of a Dream”, play script, by James Merchant, Property of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant Committee, 1990
6. Typed MS, draft 1, “Laura Ingalls Wilder”, play, June 29, 1991
7. Photos
8. Laura Ingalls Wilder Author Anniversary Kit, by Harper Collins Children’s Books
9. Miscellaneous:
a. Notes:
(1) “A Lovely Place”, Laura Ingalls Wilder writes about early life at Burr
Oak, 1947
(2) Letters from Laura
(3) The Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, by Harriet G. Long, 1965
b. A Horn Book Calendar in honor of Laura Ingalls Wilder, with
illustrations by Garth Williams from the “Little House” books,1968
c. The Journal of American and Canadian Studies, A Historical Survey of
the Translation of American Children’s Literature in Japan (in English
and Japanese),No. 3, Spring 1989
d. Little House Country Address Book, color photography by Leslie A.
Kelly, printed in Hong Kong for Terrell Publishing Co., 1990
e. Bookmarks: Little House, Mansfield, Missouri
(1) About “Little House” sites
(2) For Garth Williams Day
(3) Laura Ingalls Wilder Home
f. Christmas card, 1992
g. Postcard, Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum
h. Book plate, Laura Ingalls Wilder
i. Recipe, Laura Ingalls Wilder’s gingerbread
10. Box: a Memorandum pen, The Rabbits’ Wedding, Be My Friend
Palpitation. A Revelation of God. A Fortunate Meeting. 1958 Garth
Williams,renewed 1986 Garth Williams, Harper & Row, Publishers Inc., New York
11. Button: Centennial of Birth of Laura Ingalls Wilder, De Smet, S.D.,
February 7, 1867