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MLA International Bibliography

by Janette Klein on 2024-05-06T09:59:00-05:00 in Anthropology, English, History | 0 Comments


The Modern Language Association compiled a bibliography of scholarly sources for research in the areas of literature, language, linguistics, and related humanities disciplines. It simplifies the process of finding, citing, and accessing scholarly materials, making it a valuable asset for your assignments. Researchers can seamlessly access the complete texts of relevant publications through integrated links to academic journals, institutional repositories, and library holdings. Each citation within the database uses MLA citation style guidelines, simplifying the process of citing sources in your assignments.

The user-friendly interface efficiently navigates through over 3 million citations. Coverage spans decades, providing a comprehensive view of the scholarly resources in these disciplines. Users can pinpoint relevant sources. You can filter their results by author, title, subject, publication type, language, and publication year. Additionally, advanced search options enable complex queries, ensuring you can tailor your searches to meet your needs.

The Modern Language Association makes finding scholarly sources easy in the humanities. Its extensive collection of scholarly works, intuitive interface, and support for academic research make it an indispensable part of your academic work. Using The MLA International Bibliography helps researchers find necessary resources for their assignments.

If you can’t find the full text of a source, Interlibrary loan can get a copy of the full-text article. Need help? I can provide guidance on search strategies, database navigation, and source evaluation.

Click to access the MLA Bibliography or go to the A to Z database list.  For assistance with using MLA Bibliography, contact Rob Hallis at

Posted contribution by Rob Hallis.


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