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JCKL Library Blog

Literature Review Resources

by Janette Klein on 2025-03-03T10:15:36-06:00 | 0 Comments

A well-researched literature review is an essential element in a research proposal or paper. Developing specific search strategies and identifying the right research tools can be the biggest hurdle for students in beginning the literature review, but the library and librarians are your secret weapon in this venture! Here are our best tips for students as they begin to plan their review:

Develop a search strategy

Subject librarians can assist students with building a comprehensive search strategy, including developing keywords, subject headings, search filters, and Boolean operators to best identify relevant literature for a research question. 

Identify databases and journals

Our library provides access to databases such as JSTOR, PubMed, ERIC, and IEEE Explore, where students can find peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Which database or journal is best for your particular field of study? Our librarians have created subject-specific Research Guides to help you identify the best sources and avoid weeding through hundreds of options. 

Utilize citation management tools

Overwhelmed with articles and keeping track of citations? Librarians can guide you through citation management tools like Zotero to make your process of saving and organizing articles and books more efficient. 

Read literature review writing resource guides

The library has many books on the topic of literature review organization and writing to help ground you in the process and provide tips and tricks.

By leveraging these library resources, students can enhance the depth and quality of their literature reviews. Visit your university library’s website or schedule a consultation with a librarian to explore these tools further.

Post contribution by Sara Evans


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