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COUN 5510 Counseling Theories

This guide is designed for students in the COUN 5510 Counseling Theories class in the Department of Educational Leadership and Human Development. Use the tabs above to navigate through the guide.

American Counseling Association

  • Began in 1952 as the American Personnel and Guidance Association.
  • In 1983 the name changed to the American Association of Counseling and Development.
  • In 1992 the name changed to the American Counseling Association.
  • There are 20 chartered divisions within the ACA.  
  • Each division represents a specialized field within counseling. 

American Counseling Association Journals

Journals published by the American Counseling Association and chartered divisions

(Division acronyms are in parentheses after the title of the journal)

August 2018

  1. ADULTSPAN Journal (AADA) – available in Education Research Complete; 2 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. The Career Development Quarterly (NCDA) – available in Proquest Central; 4 issues published each year; no embargo
  1. Counseling and Values (ASERVIC) – available in Education Research Complete; 2 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation (AARC) –  Available through Taylor & Francis Online
  1. Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) – available in Education Research Complete; 4 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. The Family Journal (IAMFC) – this journal is not available at JCKL; use Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
  1. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology (CSJ) – available in Academic Search Complete; 2 issues per year; 1 year embargo
  1. Journal for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) – the library has access until 2009; after 2009 use ILL to acquire articles from this publication
  1. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling (IAAOC) – available in Education Research Complete; 2 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. Journal of College Counseling (ACCA) – available in Education Research Complete; 2 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. Journal of Counseling & Development (ACA) – available in Education Research Complete; 4 issues published each year; one year embargo
  1. Journal of Counseling Psychology (ACA) - available in PsychArticles; 4 issues published each year; no embargo
  1. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health (ACC) – available in Academic Research Complete; 4 issues published each year; 18 month embargo
  1. Journal of Employment Counseling (NECA) – available in Education Research Complete; 4 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling (AHC) – available in Education Research Complete; 2 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) – this item is not available at JCKL; use ILL
  1. Journal of Mental Health Counseling (AMHCA) – available in Education Research Complete; 4 issues published each year; no embargo
  1. Journal of Military and Government Counseling (MGCA) – this journal is not available at JCKL; use ILL
  1. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) – available in Education Research Complete; 4 issues published each year; 1 year embargo
  1. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (AARC) – available through an online subscription provided by the library; 4 issues per year; no embargo.
  1. Professional School Counseling (ASCA) – available in Proquest Central; 5 issues published each year; no embargo
  1. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin (ARCA) – this item is not available after 2012 from JCKL; for recent issues use ILL

Finding Journal Articles

     1. Although there are times that you may want to search in the main search (JCKL Collections), it is usually more efficient to narrow your
         search strategy.  Select JOURNAL DIRECTORY.

Search Box

      2.  Enter the complete name of the journal OR the ISSN in the box adjacent to JOURNAL SEARCH as illustrated below)


  1. Click on the link for Available Online link to access the article. It may be available in multiple databases for differing periods of time.
  2. EBSCOHost Education Research Complete is a good choice for this class because the majority of the ACA journals are indexed in this database. When you open the link you should see something similar to this:


     6. At this point you can use the Search within this publication (directly above publication details) and add a search
         term or you can browse individual issues by clicking on the year in the right hand column.  The method you use
         will depend on your individual search preferences. If you have a topic in mind Search within this publication is
         probably the best approach. If you are not sure of a topic, browsing an individual issue may be the best approach. 

ACA Code of Ethics

  • It is a book
  • The author is the American Counseling Association
  • The date is 2014
  • The title is 2014 ACA Code of Ethics
  • DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is the full URL of the PDF format.
  • An APA Reference Citation :

American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics. document-library/2014-code-of-ethics-finaladdress.pdf

  • In text citations depend on how you are using the information in your sentence.
    • The American Counseling Association (2014)
    • (American Counseling Association, 2014)
    • Use the page numbers from the PDF file to indicate a specific part of the source.
  • Remember to double-space and use a hanging indent.

Embargoed Articles

EMBARGO: when a publisher delays availability of current content; 1 year and 18-month embargoes are common.

For access to full text of these newer articles, use the library's free Interlibrary Loan service. If you need assistance, reach out to your liaison librarian.