
JCKL Library Blog

Trial Databases - AccessPhysiotherapy & F.A. Davis AT Collection

~[394]~ Janette Klein ~[395]~ 2020-04-17T12:46:59-05:00 ~[408]~ Health Studies, Sport Management | 0 ~[396]~

More than 70 leading physical therapy references including the comprehensive Dutton Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention, Starkey: Examination of Orthopedic & Athletic Injuries, Prentice: Essentials of Athletic Injury Management, Starkey Therapeutic Modalities, and Kisner/Colby Therapeutic Exercise. A robust library of 1600+ videos designed to teach exercise and rehabilitation techniques. Topics include examination of orthopedic and athletic injuries, therapeutic exercise, medical terminology, exercise physiology, and more. Users will need a MyAccess personal account to access cases, self-assessment, download bulk images for PowerPoint presentations, create favorites/folders, and to provide remote access. We encourage users create a MyAccess account the first time they access the site and have your browser remember your credentials. Go to https://bit.ly/FADavisAccountInst for instructions on how to create your MyAccess Account.


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