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Social Explorer

Social Explorer

Social Explorer allows you to search and upload data from the United States Census, the US Community Survey, and other data sources such as the FBI and the World Bank.  The data can be downloaded into Excel or CVS format.  Data can also be overlaid on a map which can be shared online. To receive the full benefits of the JCK Library subscription, users should create an account with their UCM email.

Create Account

To receive the full benefit of Social Explorer, you should create your own account.  First, click into the database.  If you are off campus, you should be taken to a log in screen.  To create an account, click Sign Up at the bottom.


 If you are on campus, you will be taken into Social Explorer.  In the top right hand corner, you should see that the database is being provided by UCM.

Click on Create Account.

Either method above will take you to the Create account screen. Enter your UCM email.  

You will receive a code through email to confirm your account.