Eileen Christelow Papers
Collection Inventory
Box 1
25.25” X 19” X 3”
Robbery at the Diamond Dog Diner. New York: Clarion Books, 1986.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Book jacket—21.25” X 27”--Proof
2. Page 1, 8-9, 16—21”X 23.5”--Proof
3. Page 3, 6, 11, 14—21” X 23.5”--Proof
4. Page 4-5, 12-13—21” X 23.5”--Proof
5. Page 2, 7, 10, 15—19” X 23.5”--Proof
6. Page 17, 24-25, 32—21” X 23.5”--Proof
7. Page 20-21, 28-29—21” X 23.5”—Proof—2 copies
Five-dog Night. New York: Clarion Books, 1993.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Book jacket—10.75” X 17.75”—Proof—21 copies; one laminated.
Great Pig Escape. New York: Clarion Books, 1994.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Book jacket—9.25” X 19.75”--Proof
What Do Authors Do? New York: Clarion Books, 1995.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book.
1. Book jacket—9” X 21.75”----Proof—17 copies; one laminated
Five Little Monkeys with Nothing to Do. New York: Clarion Books, 1996
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Book jacket—10.75” X 18”—Proof—13 copies; one laminated
Box 2
25.25” X 19” X 3”
Where's the Big Bad Wolf? New York: Clarion Books, 2002.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Book jacket---11. 5” X 30.75”—Proof
2. Book jacket—26” X 31.75”—Proof--2 copies
3. Book jacket---13.5” X 20”—Proof--5 copies
4. Pages 21, 24-25,28-29,32-33—22.5” X 35”—Proof—2 copies
5. Pages 22-23,26-27,30-31, inside cover—22.5 X 35”—Proof—2 copies
6. Pages 1-35—12” X 18.25”—Proof—Various numbers of copies; one set laminated
7. Pages 1, 4-5,8-9,12,copyright—22.5” X35”—Proof—3 copies
8. Pages 2-3,6-7,10-11,inside cover—22.5” X 35”—Proof—2 copies
9. Pages 14-20 both sides—22.5” X 35”—Proof—2 copies
10. Pages 2-3, 6-7,10-11,inside covers—22.5” X 35”—Proof—2 copies
11. Pages 12-13--17" X 9.25"--Early sketches with information sheets--police detective talking to wolf--Pencil
12. Pages 12-13--22" X 9 5/8"--Early sketches with information sheets--pigs with Mrs. cluck--Pencil
13. Page 20--9.25" X 11.5"--Wolf dressed as sheep with pigs with information sheets--Ink/watercolor
14. Page 33--20" X 11.25"--Early sketches--Pigs get gardening advice from horse--Pencil
Vote. New York: Clarion Books, 2003.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow
1. Poster—13.5” X 14.5”—Autographed—People with “Vote” sign
Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek. New York: Clarion Books, 2004.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Color study—11” X17.5”—Mama gives monkeys instructions before she leaves
Box 3
25.25" X 38" X 3”
Posters and Oversize
1. Poster 1—15” X 20”—Media: Xerox copy/Ink—Note: “ My book starts with notes and ideas”—Mom preparing for job as witch
2. Poster 2—15” X 20”—Media: Xerox copy/Ink—Note: “Then I started to draw pictures. . .”—Alligators with text and description
3. Poster 3—15” X 20”—Media: Xerox copy/Ink—Note: “. . .figure out what will happen on each page”—Page layout with alligator and witch sketches
4. Poster 4 (Pages 4-11)—24” X 36”—Media: Watercolor/Color pencils—Note: “. . .first pages from sketch dummy of first version”—First page of second dummy with rewrites
5. Poster 5 (Pages 12-19) —24” X 36”—Media: Watercolor/Color Pencil—Note: “I could not figure out how to end the story”—Sketches of first draft pp. 13,
15-16, 18
6. Poster 6 (Pages 4-11)—24” X 36”—Media: Watercolor/Color Pencil—Note: "So…I wrote a new story with a new beginning"—New beginning-alligators dressed as witches
7. Poster 7—24” X 36”—Media: Watercolor/Color Pencil--"…first pages of second dummy"—Changes in alligator and witch pp. 13, 15-16, 18
8. Poster 8—15” X 20”—Media: Xerox copy—Note: “It turned into a new story”—Starting a new story with people
9. Poster 9—24” X 36”—Media: Xerox/Watercolor--Discusses dummy for new book—Glenda dresses as a witch
10. Poster 10—15” X 20”—Media: Watercolor/Color Pencil—Finished illustrations—Pencil sketches and finished illustrations of alligators
Gertrude the Bulldog Detective. New York: Clarion Books, 1992.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Book jacket mock-up—15.75” X 30”—Gertrude with binoculars watching people
Great Pig Escape. New York: Clarion Books, 1994.
1. Pages 1-32--42” X 50”—Proof--Uncut pages of text and pictures
2. Page 25—10.5” X 21.5” each (with frame 30" X 27")—Second floor JCKL--People talking as they walk through town
Where's the Big Bad Wolf? New York: Clarion Books, 2002.
Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow; Pictures and text from book
1. Book jacket—26” X 30.5”—Proof—2 copies with 2 book jackets on each—Wolf dressed as sheep with pigs
1. Pig Search Beach Scene—19” X 18.75” X .25” (2 sketches 8.5” X 21”)--Media: Ink—Beach scene sketches
2. Pig Search Beach Scenes—19” X 51” X .25” (5 sketches 8.5” X 21” each)—Media: Ink—Beach scene sketches with search key
3. 17 ⅞ X 23”— Media: Marker/crayon--3 sketches from Children’s Literature Festival; pig dressed in clothes to make escape; Signed
4. 17 ⅞” X 23 ⅞”-- Media: Marker/crayon--Sketch from Children’s Literature Festival; head of pig; Signed
5. 4.5” X 6.5” (with frame 9.75” X 10.75”)—Media: Ink—Second floor JCKL—Monkey, dog, and pig; Signed