Begin your search for action research studies in our catalog with basic keywords, in a library science or education-specific database, or by searching in an action research journal. Below are some options to get you started.
To find keywords or subject headings for action research studies, use the Thesaurus in one of the databases mentioned below. This can be found near the top of the database search page. Some examples of related keywords for action research include:
Searching within the library's A-Z Databases list by subject for Education, Library Science, or a related subject will help you find studies specific to those fields that utilize action research.
Using the library database "Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text," start a search for "action research" or a related work from the thesaurus and then add the subtopic or topics of interest to you. Most databases will provide suggestions for keywords with similar roots, so adding these can broaden your search.
From this search in the database, you might find a study like this:
As you can see, the words "action research" do not appear in the title or journal name, but looking at the listed subject terms, author-supplied keywords, and abstract, you can see that this study uses an action research approach to solve issues related to a specific university repository.