1. Begin at library.ucmo.edu. In the main menu above the search bar, Select JOURNAL DIRECTORY.
2. Enter the complete name of the journal OR the ISSN in the box adjacent to JOURNAL SEARCH as illustrated below.
3. Click on the link for Available Online link to access the article. It may be available in multiple databases for differing periods of time.
4. EBSCOHost Education Research Complete is a good choice for this class because the majority of the ACA journals are indexed in this database. When you open the link you should see something similar to this:
At this point you can use the search within this publication feature (directly above publication details) and add a search term or browse individual issues by clicking on the year in the right hand column. The method you use will depend on your individual search preferences. If you have a topic in mind, searching within this publication is probably the best approach. If you are not sure of a topic, browsing an individual issue may be the best approach.
Journals published by the American Counseling Association and chartered divisions.
(Division acronyms are in parentheses after the title of the journal)
EMBARGO: when a publisher delays availability of current content; 1 year and 18-month embargoes are common.
For access to full text of these newer articles, use the library's free Interlibrary Loan service. If you need assistance, reach out to Education Librarian Sara Evans.