Stephanie S. Tolan Papers 2
Collection Inventory
Box 11a
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
A Good Courage. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1988.
1. Typed manuscript with revisions (9/25)
2. Typed manuscript--Chapters 2-18
3. Typed manuscript
Box 11b
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
A Good Courage. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1988.
4. Typed manuscript—copyedited
5. Typed manuscript pages—Chapter 7
6. Typed manuscript pages—Chapter 17 (2 drafts)
7. Typed manuscript pages—Chapter 18 (5 drafts)
8. Galley (9/16/87)
9. Galley with correspondence
10. Galley (9/18/87)
11. Copy of front and back flap information
12. Notes
13. Research materials
14. Correspondence
15. Computer disks--7-5.25”
16. Book jacket
Box 12a
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Plague Year. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1990.
1. Reference Materials
2. Handwritten notes
3. Typed notes
4. Outline
5. Typed manuscript—draft
Box 12b
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Plague Year. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1990.
6. Typed manuscript—Rough draft of various sections
7. Typed manuscript—Complete draft (January 12-25, 1989)
8. Typed manuscript—Draft 2—pp. i-181
9. Typed manuscript—Draft 2—pp. 1-70
Box 12c
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Plague Year. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1990.
10. Typed manuscript with correspondence—Edited draft
11. Typed manuscript—Complete final edited draft
12. Galleys—2 copies
13. Correspondence
14. Computer disks—7-5.25”
Box 13
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
Marcy Hooper and the Greatest Treasure in the World. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1991.
1. Typed manuscript—Draft 1
2. Typed manuscript—Draft 2 (2 copies)
3. Typed manuscript with revisions
4. Typed manuscript with editor’s notes
5. Typed manuscript with correspondence
6. Typed manuscript
7. Typed manuscript with revisions and editor’s notes
8. Typed manuscript—final copy
9. Typed manuscript—final copy
10. Typed manuscript with revisions
11. Galley (2 copies)
12. Copy of artist sketches
13. Book jacket information with revisions (2 copies)
14. Correspondence
15. Computer disk—1-5.25”
16. Typed manuscript with revisions—2/9/76
17. Typed manuscript with revisions
18. Typed manuscript with revisions
19. File folder with notes
20. Photocopy of illustration for book cover
Box 14a
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
Witch of Maple Park: New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1992.
Working Title: Casey, Mackenzie and the Witch of Maple Park
1. Typed manuscript—first draft (9/20/89)
2. Typed manuscript with revisions—Chapter 1—2 drafts (10/4/89)
3. Typed manuscript—Chapter 1 (10/6/89)
4. Typed manuscript—Chapter 1 (10/9/89)
5. Typed manuscript—Chapter 1 (11/6/89)
6. Typed manuscript—Chapters 1-6 (11/8/89)
7. First outline (9/20/89)
8. Second outline (2/23/90)
9. Typed manuscript with editor’s notes—Chapters 1-5
10. Typed manuscript with editor’s notes
11. Typed manuscript pages 1-25 and outline
12. Typed manuscript pages 1-64
13. Typed manuscript with revisions (2/23/90)
Box 14b
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
Witch of Maple Park: New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1992.
Working Title: Casey, Mackenzie and the Witch of Maple Park
14. Typed manuscript with revisions
15. Typed manuscript
16. Proof
17. Revision notes
18. Editorial Style Sheet
19. Front and back flap information and excerpt for back of book
Box 15
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
Sophie and the Sidewalk Man. New York: Four Winds Press, 1992.
Working titles: Sophie Helps
Sophie Weldon and the Sidewalk Man
1. Notes
2. Preliminary Drafts
3. Typed manuscripts—Chapter 1 (4 drafts)
4. Typed manuscripts—Chapters 1-6
5. Typed manuscript—Chapters 1-2
6. Typed manuscript—Chapter 5
7. Typed manuscript with revisions—Chapters 1-9 (8/89)
8. Typed manuscript—Chapters 1-9 (2 copies)
9. Typed manuscript –Chapters 1-9
10. Typed manuscript with editor’s notes
11. Typed manuscript with revisions (1/91)
12. Typed manuscript—revised with correspondence
13. Copy of artist’s sketches
14. Book jacket--2 copies
Box 16a
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Save Halloween. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1993.
Working Title: The Saving of Halloween
1. Synopsis (3/11/92)
2. Typed manuscript—early draft (11/12/91)
3. Original typed manuscript
4. Typed manuscript with notes—Chapters 1-7, 12-25
5. Typed manuscript—Chapters 1-2, 4, 6-11
6. Typed manuscript with revisions
Box 16b
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
Save Halloween. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1993.
Working Title: The Saving of Halloween
7. Typed manuscript
8. Typed manuscript with notes and revisions
9. Typed manuscript—Chapters 1-5 (In between revisions)
10. Proof
11. Proposal for prequel
12. Correspondence
13. Notes
14. Newspaper clippings
15. Promotional materials
16. Book jacket
17. Photocopies of book jacket artwork
18. Computer disks—3.5” (3)
Box 17a
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
Who’s There. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1994.
1. Ghost story proposal with correspondence (2 copies)
2. Typed manuscript—early draft (2/1/93-5/10/93)
3. Typed manuscript with revisions
Box 17b
17.25” X 11.5” X 3.75”
Who’s There. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1994.
4. Typed manuscript—original draft
5. Galley
6. Notes—author’s and editor’s
7. Correspondence
8. Copy of jacket flap information
9. Article—Meryman, R. (1991) The Wyeth Family. National Geographic, 180, 1, 79-109.
10. Computer disks—4-3.5”
11. Galley of book jacket
12. Book jacket
Box 18a
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Welcome to the Ark. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1996.
1. Proposal
2. Handwritten notes
3. Typed notes
4. Research materials
5. Typed manuscript—Early partial draft
6. Typed manuscript—pp. 12-65
7. Typed manuscript—pp. 145-175
Box 18b
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Welcome to the Ark. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1996.
8. Typed manuscript pages with revisions—pp. 1-16, 1-34, 1-39, 20-91
9. Typed manuscript—pp. 147-254
10. Typed manuscript—pp. 1-10, 12-254
Box 18c
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Welcome to the Ark. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1996.
11. Typed manuscript—pp. 1-83, 93-187
12. Typed manuscript—pp. 1, 3-173, 176-194, 196-210, 212-229
13. Typed manuscript—pp. 66, 144, 230-295
Box 18d
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Welcome to the Ark. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1996.
14. Miscellaneous typed manuscript pages
15. Typed manuscript revision pages with correspondence
16. Edited drafts of individual sections with changes and notes
Box 18e
15.25” X 11.25” X 3”
Welcome to the Ark. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1996.
17. Typed manuscript—final draft
18. Typed manuscript—final draft
19. Promotional material
20. Correspondence
21. Computer disks--3.5" (4)