Joan Carris Papers 1
Collection Inventory
Box 1
15.25” x 12.75” x 3”
1. “Fan mail” from teachers and students
The Revolt of 10-X. New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, 1980
1. Galley proof—5/22/80
2. Manuscript with revisions—publisher’s copy, May/June 1979
3. Revision notes
4. Computer terms, 70’s Slang, and other terminology
5. Plot summary
6. Chapter outlines
When the Boys Ran the House. New York: Lippincott, 1982.
1. Typed manuscript with revisions
2. Handwritten notes and chapter summaries
3. List of galley errors
4. Student report
Box 2
15.25” x 12.75” x 3
Witch-Cat. New York: Lippincott, 1984.
Working title: Cassandra’s Cat
1. Typed revisions of page 1—October 25, 1977
2. Typed revisions of page 131—March 2, 1978
3. Typed revisions of ending page 112—May-Sept. 1978. Revised January 1980
4. Typed manuscript with revisions—August 1980
5. Typed revisions of page 144—final rewrite June 1983
6. Article “The Mystic Cat”
7. Overview of entire plot
8. Galleys
Pets, Vets and Marty Howard. New York: Lippincott, 1984.
1. Galleys
2. Correspondence
Box 3
15.25” x 12.75” x 3
Success With Words. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s Guides, 1987
1. Copy of book, paperback
Hedgehogs in the Closet. New York: HarperCollins, 1988.
1. Typed manuscript with revisions
2. Final art (5 pages)
Box 4
15.25” x 12.75” x 3
Just a Little Ham. Boston: Little, Brown, 1989.
Working Title: In a Pig’s Eye
1. In a Pig’s Eye
a. Typed manuscript with revisions and correspondence dated 12/14/88
b. Copy of typed manuscript with revisions
c. Newspaper clippings
d. Correspondence
e. Notes
2. Just a Little Ham
a. Typed manuscript with revisions
b. First set of illustrations, June 1989
c. Revised art, July 1989
Box 5
15.25” x 12.75” x 3
Aunt Morbelia and the Screaming Skulls. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.
1. Correspondence
2. Research notes
3. Galleys
4. Typed manuscript with revisions
Box 6
15.25” x 12.75” x 3
The Greatest Idea Ever. New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1990.
1. Work Calendar
2. Character Sketches
3. Plot threads
4. Notes
5. Typed manuscript with revisions and illustrations
6. Proof with revisions
7. Galleys
8. Art by Carol Newsom
9. Galleys with notes prior to publication
Box 7
17.5” x 11.5” x 3.75
Peterson’s SAT for Success. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s Guides, 1991.
1. Copy of book, paperback
2. Revisions with final corrections, 1993
3. Revisions—4th Edition, February, 1994
4. Errors and Additions—4th Edition, July 1994
5. Revisions, 1996
6. Revisions, 1997
7. Introduction to Vocabulary Book and Miscellaneous Materials and Letters