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Library Science

Library Resources for Library Science

Standards and Guidelines

Library Science Standards and Guidelines

Student Organizations

Students of Library and Information Science (SOLIS)

SOLIS is the ALA Student Chapter for the University of Central Missouri's Library and Information Services program. The purpose of the ALA Student Chapter is to enhance the learning experience of students beyond the classroom, network with professionals within the field of school librarianship, to provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession and to develop skills and relationships that will enable students to have a creative impact on the profession. The organization's goal is to strive for inclusion, equity and diversity in all that they do.

You can also find SOLIS on Facebook: 

View selected past SOLIS Conversations on YouTube:

SOLIS Information on Central Connect

To have your SOLIS membership information added to your UCM transcript, you must complete the SOLIS Membership Form.

Library Science Conferences

If you're a librarian or simply interested in the field, attending a library conference is an excellent way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements. From networking with industry experts to attending informative sessions and workshops, there's something for everyone at these events. In this list, we've compiled some popular library conferences, representing a wide range of librarianship and each offering unique opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals in the field.