The telephone book enters the 21st century. AtoZdatabasesAcademic allows you to compile contact lists of businesses, executives, and consumers based on business type, location, and consumer interest. With access to records on 65 million businesses and executives and 240 million consumers, AtoZdatabases can help you create your business plan or fundraising drive in a snap.
Business and Executive Search: You can create a search in the business database using location, type of business, size of the business, and sales. Records include the business address, contact information, web links, executives and owners, and if the business is a subsidiary, a link to the corporate hierarchy.
Consumer Search: With this online directory, you can create a list of consumers based on geography, age, gender, household income (estimated), and lifestyle interest. Results will include the address of the consumer along with information about the neighborhood (including the records of the neighbors).
Job Searching: AtoZdatabases Academic also allows searching the job listings. Job openings are included in the business reports.
Healthcare Professionals: AtoZdatabases has a unique search for healthcare professionals. You can search for healthcare providers by location and specialty.
Results can be mapped on Google Maps or downloaded in Excel or Comma Delimited format.
Click to access AtoZ Academic or go to the A-Z database list. For assistance with AtoZdatabases Academic, contact Anthony Kaiser at
Post contributed by Anthony Kaiser