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JCKL Library Blog

Business Insights: Global

by Janette Klein on 2024-01-29T19:47:54-06:00 in Management, Marketing, Sport Management | 0 Comments

Gale Business Insights has been a staple of the JCK Library’s business resources, and it remains an excellent source of information on companies and industries around the world. Business Insights profiles over 519,000 public and private companies. Public company profiles will include financials; SWOT analyses; links to competitors; and links to academic, trade and news articles about the company. Private company profiles will usually contain revenue data and links to relevant articles.

Business Insights also profiles over 1,000 industries. Industry profiles include reports on emerging industries and global industries. For example, the Coffee and Tea Manufacturing profile provides a report on the emerging Specialty Coffee industry. Plunkett Industry Reports can be accessed in the industry profiles. While not as dynamic as the reports in the Plunkett database, these reports still provide a deep dive into the industry financials.

Need international market research? Business Insights has that as well. The database contains over 30,000 market research reports. Recent reports include the motorcycle industry in Canada, China, Mexico, and the United States; game console and online streaming music in the United States; and power generation in Chile, Egypt, and Nigeria.

Finally, Business Insights provides full text articles from major business publications such as The Economist, The New York Times, ADWEEK, The Financial Times, and The Times of India. Publications are updated daily.

Click to access Business Insights: Global or go to the A-Z database list. For assistance, contact Anthony Kaiser at

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